Choosing an epitaph for a loved one or for yourself is a profound decision, reflecting the essence of a life lived. An epitaph is more than a mere inscription on a headstone; it’s a lasting tribute that encapsulates the spirit, values, or character of the person memorialized. To pick a meaningful epitaph, consider these guidelines:

  1. Reflect on the Person’s Life: Think about what mattered most to them—be it humour, love, wisdom, or an indomitable spirit.
  2. Seek Inspiration: Look to literature, religious texts, or even their favourite sayings for words that resonate.
  3. Keep It Simple: The most powerful epitaphs often convey deep emotions in just a few words.
  4. Personalize: Tailor the epitaph to reflect the unique individuality of the deceased, ensuring it speaks truly to who they were.
  5. Involve Loved Ones: When possible, discuss choices with family members to make the epitaph a collective homage.